A Day in Rasnov, Romania (In Photos)
Skirt the hills from Brasov and follow the busy road and eventually you’ll find yourself in nearby Rasnov—a small town built up at the foot of a hill with a fortress on top overlooking it all.
The fortress is free to explore and full of kitschy gift stalls (and one very good jam seller). The road up to it is short, though a bit steep, and cobbled. And there are about a thousand street cats in residence.
I spent one No-Technology Friday cycling out to the fortress (a tactic I unfortunately can’t recommend as a small portion of the cycle is on an extremely busy road with no shoulders and Romanian drivers do *not* give cyclists an appropriate amount of space) and these photos are the result of that lovely, cool, sunny day.

(Psst, this post may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase something through one of my links, I get a commission at no extra cost to you.)
All photos taken with my Sony a6000.
Hi Gigi, I’m glad you decided to explore the road to Rasnov fortress, it’s often overlooked because everyone wants to visit Brasov. It’s a great idea for a day trip on a sunny day. Also, those cats look like they couldn’t be bothered at all LOL.
Hi Gigi,
I am so glad to see a whole article dedicated to Rasnov fortress. This is often overlooked or simply avoided during the day tours from Brasov. However, for those reading this in 2020 or 2021 🙂 the citadel Rasnov is closed for maintenance for a couple of years. If you’re planning on visiting Rasnov fortress, keep this in mind.
Lovely pics…Try Fagaras Fortress not to far from Brasov.Also try to reach by train Hunedoara Fortress a very beautiful one!