In almost exactly two months, my young adult debut (The Wicked Unseen) officially publishes!
Which means it is time to get the word out…and I need your help!
There are two big ways you can help. The first is by joining my street team. Choose this option if you are feeling enthusiastic and want the opportunity to earn points and get some prizes! The second way is by joining my mailing list. Once a week through June 20th, I’ll send you one small request. Things like sharing the book on your social media or pressing Like on a Goodreads review. Choose this option if you don’t care about prizes but are willing to help out in small ways along the way!
The street team
If the street team sounds fun, here’s a little more info:
If you are selected, you’ll be invited into a Slack group where you can chat with other street team members, ask me questions if you want, and earn points to get prizes* (like books or even the opportunity to name one of my future characters).
How do you earn points? By doing simple things like reviewing the book (with your honest opinion – no love for it required), sharing it on social media, or telling a friend who you think would like it.
If that sounds fun, you can apply to join here. And I’ll be in touch in the next couple weeks.
If none of that is up your alley, no worries. Always glad you are here and hope the blog brings you some joy. And if you do want to help but neither of those options work for you, pre-ordering the book is the single most powerful thing you can do. Pre-orders all count toward first week sales, which is how new authors make it onto bestseller lists. (And bonus, since it’s paperback-first it’s not as expensive as most new releases!)
* Please note that physical prizes such as books are only available for shipping within the United States. But non-physical prizes (including digital books, digital audiobooks, etc.) are available to street team members outside the US.