Pirita park and its abandoned manor

by Gigi Griffis
abandoned manor tallinn

Spending the summer in Tallinn? There are lots of green spaces to keep you occupied. And one particularly interesting one is the large park in Pirita where you’ll find the ruins of an old manor house (and the adjacent buildings), all overtaken by trees and weeds, half-collapsed and partly reclaimed by nature.

This is what the park looks like:

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Want to experience the forest for yourself? Here are some relevant details: 

Walking times and local transportation

There are a variety of loops within the park. The longest marked route was about 7 kilometers, but you could easily make your walk shorter or longer by doing a partial loop or multiple routes within the park. 

Buses run out here from central Tallinn regularly. We took the 174 to the Pirita stop where we could easily access the park and the nearby convent ruins. 

Trail markers

There are multiple paths through the park and some signs pointing toward both long and short loops. To get to the manor house, consult a map before you go

Dogs in the park

Dogs are welcome in the park. 

What to bring

Wear good hiking or trail running shoes (I like Salomon women’s speedcross) and bring a jacket no matter what (the weather here is ever unpredictable) and poncho if there’s any chance of rain. 

I did not see any water fill-up stations or toilet facilities. 

Since I’m hiking with a middle-aged small dog and occasionally she’s had some knee issues, I also hike with a dog backpack. Here’s the one I love.

Happy hiking!

All photos taken with my Sony a6000.

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1 comment

Paula Elliott June 29, 2020 - 6:38 am

Very cool! I shared it on Twitter but your counter did not increment. You may have more shares than indicated!


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