Katharinenthal cafe: good cinnamon rolls near Kadriorg Park

by Gigi Griffis
cinnamon roll

Craving cinnamon rolls in Tallinn? You’ll find this foodie’s favorites at a tiny cafe called Katharinenthal on the edge of the prettiest park in town: Kadriorg.

Expect a cozy atmosphere with both adult and kid-sized tables, a glass case along the counter showcasing pastries of all shapes and sizes, coffee, tea, and, of course, cinnamon rolls.

The cinnamon rolls here are moist and sweet, with caramelized sugar on top. No icing (that’s a very American addition to cinnamon rolls, in my experience).

When we were living by the park, I took to treating myself several mornings each week, strolling through the park to grab a warm roll and trek it home to eat while I worked.

Address:A. Weizenbergi 22

Phone: +372 601 1055

Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 9:00 – 18:00. Closed Monday.

What (else) to do in Tallinn

The best multi-course meal in town is at Noa Chef’s Hall, located on the coast in the northeastern part of the city. For good cardamom buns, check out Rost. For excellent farmers market goods, Balti Jaama Turg is the place to be.

When you’re not eating, Kadriorg Park is a great place for a stroll (and our favorite neighborhood to stay). A day trip to Viru Bog is a wild experience. And the hip neighborhood around Balti Jaama Turg is a great place to find cool graffiti and hipster haunts.

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