Week One: Website Strategy for Beginners

Welcome to the Free Online DIY Website Workshop—a seven-session course that’ll help you launch a website (even if technology baffles you). You’ve arrived at session (or week) one!

This week is all about strategy. About getting clear on what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for. Because the truth is that you can build the prettiest website in the world, but if you don’t start with strategy, it probably won’t meet your goals.

I’ve split this week into three sessions. For the best results, go through each session in order and give yourself a little time in between to mull things over.

Click on the videos and links below to get started (and press CC if you’d like subtitles).

(Psst, this post may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase something through one of my links, I get a commission at no extra cost to you.)

Session One: The Content Questionnaire

:: Download the questionnaire
:: Download the secondary questionnaire

Session Two: Key Messages

:: Download the script

Session Three: Voice & Tone

Additional Resources

:: Communication Guidelines
:: Simon Sinek’s TED Talk


If you run into a question or need clarification along the way, stop by the Facebook group. And don’t forget to pay it forward – if someone else helps you, try to help others along the way if you can.

For Individual Feedback…

If you would like some one-on-one consulting, feel free to reach out anytime! Hourly consulting costs $100 per hour and if you need a little more help, I’d be happy to send you a fixed bid based on your specific project.

Coming up Next Week…

Once you’ve got your strategy pinned down, it’s time to structure your site. Head over to week two to tackle what we in the industry call site maps.

how to build a website how to build a website without tech experience


  • Vivian

    Hi Gigi. I’ve got my website, but am looking forward to more tips and restructuring as you’re mentioning here. I also posted your link on my LinkedIn site, so hopefully those new and small business owners will take a peek at the good resource!

  • Talent Hounds

    I have several pet and dog sites but want to restructure some and start several new ones. You were recommended and your blog looks great. Thanks S

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