How much does it cost to spend a month in Riga, Latvia?
Going to Riga? Here's what it'll cost.
Hotel Meke: breakfast in the Latvian countryside
Looking for a good bed & breakfast in Latvia? Here's one of my favorites - and the one with the best breakfast of my 10-day trip.
Riga Central Market
Riga Central Market: Where to find it, what you'll find there, when to go, what language vendors speak, and what else to expect!
Where to stay in the Latvian countryside (& Parnu, Estonia)
Where to stay in the Baltics.
Hiking Latvia: Lilaste to Saulkrasti
Sandy beaches stretching endlessly in both directions. Wooden staircases built up small hills into pine forest. Thin red pathways weaving be
Riga’s Black Magic Cafe: skip this crappy tourist trap
This is why I hate food blogs. Because every time I research a new destination, every time I sweep into town and drag my poor less-particula