Traveling is Not as Expensive as You Think

For a lot of people, travel (especially long-term, round-the-world type travel) seems cost prohibitive. I think people conjure up visions of fancy hotel rooms and olympic sized pools, five-star dinners and evening booze cruising. And for some that may be the reality of travel. But for many of us, travel looks quite different.

There’s the just-out-of-school poor schniglets who snuggle up in hostel dorm rooms around the world and munch on street vendor food while stretching their last dime to its limits. There are the two-weeks-of-bliss vacationers who splurge on that fancy hotel room and the fancy cuisine. And there are many, many of us who fall in between those two things.

Since cost questions are so clearly on people’s minds, I’ve started compiling a list of budget and cost breakdowns from a variety of world travelers around the web. And if you know of another resource, please send it my way! I’d love to get tons of great perspectives in one place.

Without further ado, then, travel budgeting and cost resources:

Budgeting for a round-the-world trip:
Round the world expenses from one traveling couple

Budgeting for Europe:
One month in Split, Croatia
One month in Edinburgh, Scotland
How to budget for Switzerland’s Bernese Oberland
One month in Perugia (Umbria), Italy
5 days in Stockholm for $100
Traveling around Europe for two months, solo
One month in Paris

Budgeting for Asia:
Two months in Southeast Asia
Another experience in Southeast Asia
Budgeting for India

Budgeting for Australia/New Zealand:
Melbourne in 10 days

Budgeting for North America:
How much does it cost to road trip from Colorado to California?
Sayulita, Mexico for one month
Playa del Carmen, Mexico for one month

If all else fails, you can always busk with a hat box.


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