Photo Essay: My Favorite Airport

Shopping at CDG

Relaxation at CDG

Liquor at CDG

Coffee shop in CDG

chairs at CDG

Bar at CDG airport

bar in CDG

Yogurt at the airport

If only every airport was like Charles De Gaulle. Absolutely gorgeous.

What’s your favorite airport?

All photos taken with my lovely little Lumix.

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  • Stacey Hansen

    My favorite airport is Hong Kong International. I get giddy thinking of the Cathay noodle bar. And the Pageone bookshops are fabulous.

  • rob

    I know it’s not cool to like your home airport, but I’m pretty fond of Denver. Big enough that you have a good choice of airlines, but organized such that you can get around quickly. A couple of decent restaurants after security (albeit with the inane plastic cutlery) and good coffee available.

    I am pretty fond of SFO, too. But that could be association with good memories of why I was there.

    Despite what everyone says, ORD is a pretty good transit airport. You *do* need to be comfortable with big airports, though.

    Schiphol was also a favorite of mine at one point, but I’ve not been there in a while. I can’t imagine the Dutch have let it fall behind, though.

    • gigigriffis

      The Dutch do tend to be lovely and meticulous. πŸ™‚

  • Sherri

    My hometown of Vancouver, Canada has an awesome airport. Lots of Aboriginal art and
    carvings throughout, diverse shops & restaurants & yes, I am biased, lol.

    • gigigriffis

      That sounds lovely. Vancouver is somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit.

  • Roommate #1

    I second the vote for Denver. However, in the interest of sounding exotic and well-traveled, I also really liked Auckland (because it had a stream flowing through it!), even though it’s not as big and fancy as some others.
    I think Honolulu International wins in my book though, because it’s almost all open-air.

    • gigigriffis

      Oh, yeah. I forgot about Auckland. I loved that one too, with the little bridge over the stream.

    • Rob

      I like Auckland as well – although curiously I forgot to mention it above, despite the fact that I’ll be there in 48 hours (!!)..

      Auckland has *FREE* showers so that the hordes arriving on 13 hour flights can freshen up before heading out of the airport. Or, for that matter, before climbing onto their 13 hour flight. And last time I was there I had a massage that left me feeling very relaxed, about 10 minutes before I boarded my plane.

  • Rebeca

    I love Honolulu’s International airport with all the birds flying around and through it. To me it just says welcome to paradise. Plus it is sort of relaxing as well.

  • Interested Reader

    I might be biased but I have really been impressed with the somewhat new Indianapolis airport. Lots of neat shops and artwork. It’s seems to have a proper flow to it.

  • Montecristo Travels (Sonja)

    Ottawa – it’s small but Oh so clean and organized AND you can go through US customs on “our side” and thus avoid that mess on the other side – ever so useful, especially when flying with a dog to say … places like NYC. (crazy – I hate – airport!)

    Amsterdam – sleeping in a hotel without having to go through customs? BRILLIANT! two options: typical hotel and pay by the hour. Both amazing. If I have long lay over THIS is my airport of choice. Whenever I have to go to the middle east or beyond I always try and go via this airport. 8 hour layover? catch some zzzzz have a shower and keep on going. Love!

    Dullus – I know crazy right? Dullus is likely the dullest, ugliest airport ever. BUT oh … oh … oh!!! TWO indoor dog potty areas! YES! totally, perfectly awesome! If I may be so bold here our review:

    • gigigriffis

      Yeah. I definitely put Dulles on my list after your review. I always try to do an East Coast layover for a puppy potty break when we head to Europe, so that’s definitely good to know.

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