Coming 2024: WE ARE THE BEASTS

by Gigi Griffis
Gigi Griffis WE ARE THE BEASTS announcement

I am so so so very pleased to tell you that the good news just keeps coming this autumn: 

I am officially writing another book!

Scheduled to publish in fall 2024, this creepy follow-up to my YA debut asks the question: what if monster stories were about saving girls instead of killing them?

When a series of mysterious deaths start to plague the countryside and whispers of a beast in the mountains reach the little French hamlet of Mende, most people think it’s a curse—but 16-year-old Joséphine and her best friend Clara see it as their chance to escape their brutal lives, in a story based on the unsolved mystery of the Beast of Gevaudan.

Some fun facts about this book:

:: The beast of Gevaudan was real and, to this day, researchers disagree about what it was that was killing peasants across the countryside.

:: I’ve wanted to write about the beast for awhile, but I hesitated because…did I really want to write about so many dead girls? Make another piece of media that treated us (women, girls) so brutally? It wasn’t until I asked myself “what if the monster story was about saving girls?” that the book I really wanted to write clicked into place. 

I hope you are as excited as I am. Wish me luck as I dig back into my writing routine this winter to give Jo and Clara the fight of their lives.

You can add WE ARE THE BEASTS on Goodreads here.

Happy spooky season, bishes.

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