How much does it cost to spend a month in Riga, Latvia?
Going to Riga? Here's what it'll cost.
The cost of living in Estonia: my real spending for a month in Tallinn
What's the cost of living in Estonia? Here's one traveler's real budget for a month-long stay in Tallinn in late 2019.
The real cost of one foodie’s week in Paris
Paris! After almost two years (too long) away, Chad and I decided that this summer it was time to hop on a train and head back to the world&
How much does it cost to spend 5 days in Alsace?
Welcome back to my money series, where I keep track of my real spending in locations around the world. Today, it’s time to break
My cost of living in Montenegro: one month in Kotor as a digital nomad
How much does it cost to travel to Montenegro's famed Bay of Kotor?
How I saved 50% of my income in 2018 (some thoughts on money mindset)
In 2018, I saved just under 50% of my income (before taxes). I did it while working part-time and making what most Americans would consider