Big Small Paris
How would you describe Paris? (I compare it to New York.)
Photo Essay: My Favorite Airport
A tour through the colorful, fun Charles de Gaulle new favorite airport in the world.
Photo Essay: A Stroll Through Perugia
Just in case you were wondering why Italy is one of my favorite places in the whole world.
Little Miss Muffet’s First Name & Other Stuff I Didn’t Know Before
I have officially turned a corner. I am now a full-on advocate of taking great guided tours. Why? BECAUSE PIZZA. Read on, people.
Chocolate, Dinosaurs, and Love, People
In which I discuss the health benefits of being around happy people. Also, basilisks.
All Blissed Out (And Stumbling)
In which extreme relaxation makes me act like a drunk person, I contemplate proposing to my masseuse, and I really make progress on the de-s