Is Montenegro dog-friendly?

This summer, Luna the traveling pooch turns 10 years old. And for seven of those 10 years, she’s been traveling the world full-time with me.

This year, the first brand new country on her list was Montenegro, a country I’ve been wanting to visit for awhile but was nervous about because it’s considered high-rabies-risk, which means it’s more complicated to go back into the low-rabies part of Europe after a visit.

So, now that we’ve spent a month in Montenegro and crossed back over into western Europe afterward, what’s the skinny? How dog-friendly is it? And was the paperwork crazy?

Overall, the answer is that it feels similar to Croatia, except with a little more paperwork hassle.

Here are the details.

Dog-Friendly Accommodations

As usual, Airbnb hosts were overwhelmingly open to having a with-dog traveler in their homes. I’d say 90% of the hosts we contacted said yes to our small, non-shedding pooch and her good reviews. 

Hotels were trickier. We had to spend a night in Podgorica (pronounced Pod-gor-eet-za) and researching hotels got a little irritating. I’d say maybe 20% or less were listed as dog-friendly.

Are Restaurants, Cafes, and Shops Dog-Friendly?

Like Croatia, the rule here seems to be no dogs allowed indoors. Patios welcomed dogs wherever we went and some restaurant or cafe owners might make an exception for your dog, but the law is apparently that dogs can’t be in eateries. 

No one stopped or bothered us when we brought Luna into shops, though I did have a sense that it wasn’t a usual thing here, so I often picked her up and carried her in.

Hiking Trails and Beaches

We didn’t run into any no-dog signs on trails or beaches. Do be aware that wildlife in Montenegro includes wolves, bears, and plenty of snakes. So be appropriately aware when hiking and keep your dog close.

Dog-Friendly Transportation

Like Croatia, the rule in Montenegro seems to be that whether dogs are allowed on buses or not is up to the individual driver. We were never turned away, though we did have one bus driver who was visibly unhappy about it. If you need to be somewhere on a certain timeline or are nervous about the uncertainty, taxis or car rentals may be a better option. 

Taxis were mostly fine with Luna, though we did have one taxi driver who went on a long rant *after* packing all our bags into his cab, even though he easily could have said no to us (Luna was out and visible) before packing everything in. So just give yourself some extra time if you’re traveling by cab just in case the cabbie takes issue.

How Do People Here Feel About Dogs?

Overall, people were very friendly with Luna, and they seemed especially charmed when I rode around town with her in my bike basket (we stayed a little outside town, so almost every time we came in it involved the bikes).

That said, my sense is that dogs in general here are seen more as guard animals. We didn’t run into very many small dogs and more than once an extremely large dog scared the bejeezes out of us by running full speed at us barking (they all turned out to be chained, but it’s still rather startling). Only once did we have a dog that was not leashed and seemed to be trying to bite Luna. Luckily, I was able to pick her up before the dog got to her and Chad scared the dog off. 

Getting to Montenegro with a Dog

Getting into Montenegro was easy. We drove down from Croatia and no one even asked to see her passport at the border. 

Getting out of Montenegro with a Dog

Here’s where things get more complicated: To take your dog from Montenegro into another European country, you need additional paperwork and requirements. So make sure you plan way in advance

Here’s what you need (the first few requirements will look very familiar for anyone who’s crossed borders with a dog before; the last couple are more unusual):

1. A valid rabies shot.
If it was done in the EU, documentation in your pet passport is fine. If it was done elsewhere, you’ll need the certificate from that country.

2. An international microchip.
As with all EU countries, the requirement is that the microchip was implanted after the rabies shot.

3. A rabies titre test done by an EU-approved lab.
This is where the requirements differ from other parts of Europe. Because Montenegro is considered high-risk for rabies, to leave, your dog will need to have been confirmed rabies-free.

The titre test is just a blood test and can be administered by your EU vet. Just make sure they use an approved lab. You can ask for a list of approved labs from the department of agriculture in the country you plan to fly into/ferry into.

Two things to keep in mind:

:: For travel in the EU, the titre test only needs to be done once in the lifetime of your dog as long as you keep the rabies vaccinations up to date. (This isn’t necessarily true of other places, so always check the requirements of whatever place you’re traveling to. Hawaii, for instance, has strict expiration guidelines for the titre tests it’ll accept.)

:: There is a waiting period after the titre test and before your dog can come into the EU. Currently, I believe the wait time is 3 months from when the blood was drawn. So make sure to plan ahead.

4. A pet passport or health form.
If you have an EU pet passport and it includes documentation of all your most recent vaccinations, that’s the paperwork you’ll need to re-enter the EU (along with any additional titre test certificate if the titre test is not documented in the passport). If, however, you are residing in Montenegro and have vaccinations performed here, you’ll need a health form approved by the local authorities. 

We have a pet passport, so I can’t speak to the ins and outs of the health form. If that’s something you need, I recommend consulting with a good vet.

In most cases, that should be enough. But there is an exception: For flights landing in Switzerland (where we were flying into), you need advance permission from the Swiss authorities.

Here’s the site with all the details.

You need to request permission far in advance of entry (I believe three weeks is the cutoff) and in addition to rabies certificate/pet passport, titre test results, and microchip number, they will ask you for an import application and a declaration that the dog is your pet and not intended for sale. There is also an application fee you’ll pay when you arrive at the airport and have your papers checked (40 CHF). 

Now, to you! Anyone else traveled in Montenegro with a pet? Tell us your stories! Share your dog-friendly cafe recommendations! Let me know if I’ve missed anything important.


  • Valeria Vincent Sancisi

    Little Super Hero…

  • Patricia Teague

    Driving into Montenegro no questions asked and not sure if they even spotted the dog in the car. We have a pet EU passport so it will be interesting to see how we go leaving mid July? Not looking forward to the queues at the border crossing!

    • gigigriffis

      Which border will you be crossing in July? I’ll be curious to hear your experience then too.

  • Jake Norton

    I’m curious, Gigi, about the titre test. We arrive with our dog from the US to Germany in early-August. We plan to travel to Montenegro from Croatia in early-October, returning to the EU after a week or so.

    From the sound of it, we would not have enough time (90 days) to have the titre test results before going in/out of Montenegro. Am I correct on that? And, do you know if the titre test can be administered here in the US, or does it have to be in EU?



    • gigigriffis

      Hey Jake!

      Yes, you can get the titre done in the US. Ours was done by a vet in Colorado and sent to the EU-approved lab in Kansas City, I think. You can get a list of EU-approved labs from whichever country you’re planning to come back into the EU in. So it sounds like you might be okay on time if you get it done right away (Jul, Aug, Sep should cover your 90 days if you’re crossing the border in Oct?). But best to speak with a vet who has experience with prepping dogs for travel. They should know the rules.

      • Jake Norton

        Awesome, thanks, Gigi! Got the titre test in process, and we should be good to go.

        Thanks for the great info on your blog!


  • Daniel

    Hi, GIgi. We are traveling to Croatia for a wedding next month and bringing our German Shepherd (by car). We would like to travel to Montenegro (also by car) after the wedding. We live in Prague, he is from the Czech Republic and has his EU pet passport and everything is up to date.

    I am a little confused by your post regarding exit and entry from the EU. It’s clear that he doesn’t need the titre test to cross the border into Montenegro (exit). But if we stay in Montenegro for 5 days, will we not be able to cross back over into the EU if we have not had a titre test done in the EU?

    I am traveling for work and planned to take him to the vet anyway–where I can hopefully receive all of this information–but any help or clarification from you would be appreciated! Thank you in advance, I love your posts!

    • gigigriffis

      Hi Daniel,

      Yes, you’re correct. You don’t need a titre test to go into Montenegro – just to come from Montenegro (which is considered high rabies risk) back into the EU/lower-risk countries in Europe.

      Some countries may be more strict about this than others (Switzerland, where we flew into, is definitely strict about it and required me to email them the titre test before approving my arrival; Croatia, on the other hand, tends to not even ask about the dog when we cross its adjacent borders).

      The titre test must be done quite a bit in advance, so definitely contact your vet asap to confirm your specific requirements.

  • Melanie

    Montenegro sucks in their treatment of stray dogs. They do not care about animals in shelters nor do they provide any funding to shelters. They are horrible. I know people who go out daily to try and help stray dogs. People in the country are not dog friendly. They do nothing to help the thousand of stray animals roaming around or in shelters.

    • gigigriffis

      Fair. This piece is more about how a person + dog combo are treated – can they find housing? Can you take your dog on transport? – not the overall issues with cultural attitudes or lack of shelter funding. But obviously that is important to point out as well.

    • Dianne

      Hmmm… I guess it depends a bit on your perspective. I live in Montenegro and it’s not unusual to see food left out by individuals for whatever stray dog or cat might come by. You would never ever see that where I’m from.

  • Eleanor Stephens

    Hi. We’ve just got to petrovac with our dog and are staying for a month. I can’t work out where I can walk him! The beach is off limits, and the roads are lethal, with no pavements. Any suggestions on woodland or parks we could drive to if necessary please?? Petrovac is close to Budva. Thanks!

    • gigigriffis

      Sorry – I haven’t been there! I’d try and join a Facebook Montenegro group or two. I bet there are dog-owners around there who can point you in the right direction.

  • Inna

    Hi Gigi! Thank you so much for this. I have a question if you don’t mind. We were planning to travel with our dog from Czech Republic to Montenegro next month but are now wondering if it’s possible. Looks like the titre test will not come in time. You say: “If you have an EU pet passport and it includes documentation of all your most recent vaccinations, that’s all you’ll need to re-enter the EU.” Does this mean we don’t need a titre test if our dog has an EU passport? (We are also EU citizens, if that matters..) His vaccines are all up to date. Thank you so much for all the other info as well <3

    • gigigriffis

      Sorry for the confusion. You do need the titre test to re-enter the EU (not to enter Montenegro). That section was meant to be about additional paperwork beyond the titre test.

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