How much does it cost to hike in the former Gevaudan region of France?

With my beast of Gevaudan book coming out next year, it was about time to get myself to the region where the horrors took place. I spent nine days hiking, plus a couple days before and a couple days after the trip exploring two of the region’s bigger towns. Here’s what that 15-ish day trip set me back cost-wise. 

Scroll below the budget breakdown for more details.

Category EU Dollars
Accommodations 659


Transportation (national/international)    
Transportation (local) 196 $209.99
Groceries + supplies 122 $130.71


Internet + phone    
Eating/drinking out 138 $147.85
Entertainment + activities    
Luna (vet bills, supplies)    
Health + wellness  


Other 25 $26.78
Totals 1147 $1229

Budget notes:

During the hike, I primarily stayed in pilgrim accommodations/gites. These were mostly shared rooms (though occasionally they put me in a private room because of the dog) and ranged greatly in price from 15 euros for a night (on the Tour du Monts Aubrac) to 50 euros for a night (on the camino). Most included at least one meal (room and board is a common option) and some included both dinner and breakfast. So my accommodation line item also includes a lot of my meals.

I didn’t include an international transport line item because I came to the region from Paris. The national/local travel line item includes mine and Luna’s train tickets from Paris to Le Puy to start the hike and luggage transport for the duration of the hike with La Malle Postal (because staying in France for two months after the hike meant there was just no way to pack lightly enough to carry my things).

Groceries and supplies is exactly what it sounds like: mine and Luna’s grocery runs. Crackers, couscous, eggs, ramen, sardines. A variety of things cooked up in gite kitchens and stuffed down our gullets mid-walk.

Eating and drinking out is also what it sounds like. Meals not provided by the gites. Eating out in Mende when I arrived. Coffees and drinks along the way.

Health and wellness is some over-the-counter pharmacy meds.

And Other includes things like laundromat costs. 

The budget above does not include the long weekend I spent in Paris before the trip (for Paris costs, check out this post) or the train ticket costs to get me from Mende (the end of my hike) to my next destination (more on that later).

Looking for more European budgets? Here they all are

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