I’ve Been a Freelancer for 7+ Years. Here’s How I Handle the Slow Times.
The spring was just one of those times. If you’re a freelancer, you know the ones I’m talking about: The times when nothing quit
Behind the Scenes at My Location-Independent Business: Q2 2018
This post is part of a series about how I make money while traveling the world. For a deeper look at how I started my business and began tra
The Power of the Miniature Pivot
As you may already know, for the past eight or so months I’ve been quietly working on my second novel manuscript. And after months of
How I Wrote My First Novel: Confessions of a Plantser
In the world of fiction, writers tend to divide themselves into two camps. The plotters—J.K. Rowling, Michael Crichton, R.L. Stein—outli
Behind the Scenes at My Location Independent Business: Q1 2018
This post is part of a series about how I make money while traveling the world. For a deeper look at how I started my business and began tra
10 Paths to…Making More Money
There are lots of things that hold us back in life. Sometimes finances. Sometimes relationships. Sometimes insecurities. And sometimes ̵