Italy: 100 Locals Tell You Where to Go, What to Eat, and How to Fit In

by Gigi Griffis
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Introducing…ITALY: 100 Locals Tell You Where to Go, What to Eat, and How to Fit In

Want to experience Italy as only a local could?

This guide’s for you.

Filled with 100 interviews with people who live, work, and adventure all over Italy, this book will give you:

  • Directions to that pizza place that’s always packed with locals and rarely sees a tourist
  • Lists of must-try dishes for each town and region
  • Names of those off-the-beaten-track towns with the best wineries in the region
  • Tips on how to spot authentic gelato, make friends with the locals, and avoid rip-offs and pick-pockets
  • Brutal honesty about how you should never ever order a cappuccino after lunch or wear flip-flops to a monument
  • And so much more

It’s time to experience authentic, local Italy—through the eyes of those who have lived there for years.

Ranked Top-100 for Travel > Italy on Amazon! / Read a sample here.


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What People Are Saying…

“I love it. What to eat? Where to meet people? What to see & photograph. All things that matter to most people, especially solo travelers, and are not well addressed in other guidebooks.“ – Rob Philip

“She asks the eternal question of ‘what to do,’ sure. The difference is *who* she asks: clearly, the most delightful, enthusiastically interesting and deeply engaged people she has come across in her singularly extensive travels. They, predictably, have the raddest answers. They are niche answers. They are answers from people who really, really LOVE their particular slicelet of the country. And they are totally captivating. Loved it.” – Netterino on Amazon

“My method for evaluating guidebooks is to read about places I know well. There was a time when I spent a lot of time working in Genoa – I was there a week at a time about every third week for nine months. I got to know a number of locals. I can comfortably say the section on Genoa is absolutely accurate. Unlike a lot of guidebooks, Genoa isn’t over sold. There is excellent advice about how to visit towns in that area (some of these places are packed solid with people in the summer). They also mention towns that aren’t in guidebooks – places that locals go for vacation or the summer; alternatives to the guidebook itineraries.” – Daniel G. Lebryk on Amazon

“I wish every country had a guide like this!” – LouLouFrance on Amazon

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