Ask a Local: What Should I Do/See/Eat in Bern, Switzerland?
What to do, see, eat, and explore in Bern, Switzerland - tips from a local tour guide!
In Which Luna Loses Her Shit on Chad’s Return
Allow me to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you Luna the traveling pooch losing her shit when she saw Chad for the f
A Day in Thun, Switzerland
Ask me about my favorite places in the world and Switzerland will be on the list. Ask me about my favorite places in Switzerland and youR
Ask a Local: What and Where Should I Eat in Switzerland?
Switzerland's top chef weighs in on local food.
Behind the Scenes at My Location-Independent Business, Q4 2018
This post is part of a series about how I make money while traveling the world. For a deeper look at how I started my business and began tra
Beautiful Spaces: Where We Stayed in Zurich, Switzerland
Our two nights in Zurich.