24 books I want to read in 2024

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It’s the new year, which means it’s book-o-clock, bishes. My reading goal this year is 50 books (and my stretch goal is 80…with some novellas on this list, I just might make it). Here are the 24 books I’m currently most excited about. (And when you’re done peeking at my list, please tell me yours! I need recommendations.)

Let’s go…

Simply Living Well: A Guide to Creating a Natural, Low-Waste Home

Have I mentioned that I’m moving in 2024? Not out of town, but into my very first owned apartment! That’s right. I am halfway through the process of purchasing an apartment. And I’m nesting hard-core. I’m so ready for tips on everything from living lower-waste to nurturing my new garden to DIY projects in the house.

This book was recommended by a zero-waste blogger I love, so going to give it a go early in the year.

Dead Girls Walking

Alright, so I’m kind of cheating on this one because I already know the story (because I know the author). But for the rest of y’all, this book is about to be available for the first time ever (available for pre-order now and out on March 26th), so it’s on the 2024 list.

For anyone who has ever complained about horror books not being scary enough, Sami’s the one who will make it impossible for you to sleep. The story follows “unlikable” (I love her) Temple as she returns to the camp that was once her serial killer dad’s home…in search of her mother’s body.

Don’t read this one after dark.

As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow

I’ve been wanting to read this one for awhile (ever since I read some heartbreaking non-fiction about Syria), so it’s bumping toward the top of the 2024 list. This is a book about loss, fear, trauma, and revolution…and you know what? Maybe we should book club this one. Join me?

Divine Mortals

I’m cheating again because I’ve already read this, but HOLY SHIT this is one of the most fun, charming, character-driven fantasy books I’ve ever read.

It follows the story of an agoraphobic seer who can accurately predict anybody’s soul mate – but can’t leave her rooms. When she’s asked to divine the king’s soul mate…the answer is the last thing her agoraphobic (and obsessed with someone else) butt wants: her.

Rudely, the book is not out until November 1st, but trust me, you’ll want to pre-order this one.

Ten Myths About Israel

I’ve been reading a bit more about Palestine and this book looks especially interesting, so it’s near the top of my list for 2024. At the time of this writing, the book is free at the link above – so if you are interested, give it a click and see if it’s still free.

Hope Ablaze

Another INCREDIBLE novel I’ve already read, Hope Ablaze comes out February 27th (and you can pre-order now). The story is about a teen girl whose family history is full of revolutionary poets. When she’s harassed and has her hijab removed by the democratic candidates security services when she’s praying in the park, she writes a private poem about the experience…which then gets entered into a poetry contest without her consent…and wins, thrusting her into a public spotlight she never asked for.

I laughed. I cried. I will be buying my hard copy immediately the moment I can.

The Taking of Jake Livingston

I bought this book in 2023 and somehow didn’t get around to reading. Time to remedy that in 2024. The story follows one of the only Black kids (and definitely the only kid who can see the dead) at St. Clair Prep as he takes on a vengeful ghost.

For She Is Wrath

If you know me, you may already know that The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite stories. So when I found out my friend was writing a gender-swapped Pakistani fantasy retelling, this one was a no-brainer on my 2024 wishlist. Out November 7th.

Escape From Incel Island

Okay, so firstly I love Margaret Killjoy. Her podcast Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff is one of my personal obsessions and her takes on anarchist and revolutionary history are pure joy to me.

Secondly, this book sounds weird in the best way. With misogynist violence on the rise, the government offers men an opportunity to move to an island and be given their due – a free woman. Except that the offer is a trap. And instead the island is just a bunch of incels who think they deserve a woman. Five years later, two people percieved as women arrive on the island on a special military mission…and must survive. (See, weird af, but you’re intrigued, right?)

The Poisons We Drink

I already pre-ordered this one on audio and MARCH 5 CANNOT COME FAST ENOUGH. The main character brews love potions to support her family, but that’s not all she is capable of brewing. When her mother is murdered, she’s offered a chance at revenge. But to get it, she’ll have to brew poisons that enslave DC’s most influential politicians…

The Witch and the Tsar

How is it possible that I haven’t read this Baba Yaga-vs.-Ivan the Terrible book yet? This is so very much up my alley.

The Girl in Question

The sequel to The Girls I’ve Been (one of my all-time favorite books) is finally out in 2024! If you haven’t read the first book, go do that now. If you have read it, this one is out May 24th and I’ll be immediately immersing myself back into Nora’s world. Feel free to join me.

Goddess of the River

Have I mentioned that I LOVED Kaikeyi? And lucky me, the author’s second book is finally out this May. This one’s a reimagining of the story of Ganga, goddess of the river.

A Concrete Crown: MacBeth Retold

This little novella is a MacBeth retelling by a friend of mine (who is an incredible writer). Extremely looking forward to getting into it.

Off Time Jive

Speaking of novellas, this one (also by a friend) is rad as hell. From the back cover:

In an alternate Harlem Renaissance where new forms of magic created by Black joy strain against the white establishment, Knox’s old colleagues at the Bronx Academy of Magic have started turning up dead, pushing her weakened abilities to their limits.

And now if she can’t solve the case, she might be next.”

Come Out, Come Out, Whatever You Are

I will be reading this based on the title alone.

Don’t Let the Forest In

I’ve been following this author’s hilarious social media for years and I absolutely cannot wait for this horror novel about when the monsters inside your head become real.

Near the Bone

This survival horror follows a woman trapped alone on a mountain.

Forget This Ever Happened

This genre-bendy book about a girl who moves to a town that isn’t supposed to exist sounds fascinating (and bonus – it’s already on my shelf).

Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives

While I’m decently well-read on Congo’s history, I am woefully undereducated on the situation as it currently stands. In 2024, it’s time to remedy that with some reading.

As Born to Rule the Storm

This one apparently made several of my friends cry, so bring on the tears! This book follows a girl who can time travel – but every jump takes precious time off her own life. As she struggles to prevent The Cold War from tipping over into apocalypse, each time jump becomes ever more crucial.

A History of America in Ten Strikes

I’m reading a lot about the history of labor and strikes in the US lately, and next up along that vein is Erik Loomis’ interesting-looking book.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that I have a new book coming out in 2024 as well! It’s called We Are the Beasts and it’s a monster story about saving girls set during the real, unsolved mystery of the beast of Gevaudan. You can add it on Goodreads now. And if you can’t wait that long, The Wicked Unseen is available right this instant in eBook, book, and audio formats.

Happy reading! And don’t forget to comment with the books you are most looking forward to in 2024!


  • Amy

    I just finished Bang Bang Bodhisattva by Aubrey Wood – a powerhouse if you like a mash-up of cyberpunk, queer/trans main characters, old-school detective stories a la Raymond Chandler, and a near-future dystopia. Also highly recommend absolutely anything by Nicole Kornher-Stace.

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