You Always Have an Exit

by Gigi Griffis

exit sign

“I got an exit sign – you know, one of those green ones they hang over the doors in schools and theaters – and put it in my living room. That way, no matter what happens in life, I always have an exit.” – Elegant Friend

At dinner last week, my new elegant friend was telling us about her new exit sign – a decor choice that is about freedom and self-caring, two things we could all do with a bit more of. You see, she’s been through a lot lately (my friend, not the exit sign). A divorce. A cheating lover. And still she glides through life with wisdom and grace. An inspiration to all of us, particularly when she says things like this.

Because isn’t that something we all need? To know that there’s always a way out, no matter how deep the shit gets. To know that nothing’s permanent. To know that we can reserve the right to change our minds. That our next job doesn’t have to be our last job. That that career change can be reversed if it isn’t what we thought it would be. That moving to another city or another country is something you can undo if you need to.

Having an exit can make us brave. It can give us peace.

So whether you pick up a green glowing sign to remind yourself or can just remind yourself day-by-day: whatever happens in your life, there’s always an exit.

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Brianna July 25, 2012 - 8:42 am

Loved this reminder from your elegant friend. Exits can embolden, while decisions often paralyze.

gigigriffis July 25, 2012 - 3:02 pm


Steph (@ 20 Years Hence) July 25, 2012 - 5:56 pm

I have to say, the knowledge that few things in life are permanent or irrevocable is the one thing that helped me yesterday morning when I got in the car and drove away from my dogs. Just knowing that if I miss them too much or if anything happens, I can always go back home, and don’t have to leave them for an entire year if it just becomes unbearable. I always like to try to stick with things and give them their fair trial, but like Kenny Rogers says, “You gotta know when to fold…”

Ann Cardinael July 29, 2012 - 4:17 am

You know Gigi, after this sign I always find people who care about me. Actualy the sign is a symbol of my loved ones. And … you are one of them. Thank you for being you! XXX

gigigriffis July 29, 2012 - 11:22 am

@Ann – Thank you back!

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