Week Three: How to Write Strategic Website Content (Even If You’re Not a Copywriter)

by Gigi Griffis
work setup croatia

Welcome to the Free Online DIY Website Workshop—a seven-session course that’ll help you launch a website (even if technology baffles you). If you’re just now joining us, I recommend starting at week one.

Welcome back, friends!

Now that you’re clear on strategy and you know what pages you want on your site, it’s time to write them.

In the sessions below we’ll walk through on-page strategy, writing your first draft, editing, and search engine optimization. By the end of this week, you should have three to five pages written and optimized for your site.

Scroll down to get started.

(Psst, this post may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase something through one of my links, I get a commission at no extra cost to you.)

Session One: Welcome & On-Page Strategy

:: Download the page tables.

Session Two: Homepage

Session Three: Writing Page Content

* In the writing phase, don’t forget to use your brand personality (those three+ adjectives we identified in week one). Before sitting down to write, take a look at your key message doc and remind yourself how you want your voice to come across (you’ll be surprised how much just reminding yourself of that voice brings the voice out).

Session Four: Content Revisions

Session Five: SEO & Other Page Elements

Additional Resources

:: Canva! This free tool allows you to create custom graphics for your site and social media profiles. It’s pretty easy to use, but do let me know if you want me to walk you through it a bit on our call this week. (I know I mentioned this a couple weeks ago as well, but it’ll start really coming in handy now that we’re doing content and about to go into design.)

:: A deeper look at on-page SEO


If you run into a question or need clarification along the way, stop by the Facebook group. And don’t forget to pay it forward – if someone else helps you, try to help others along the way if you can.

For Individual Feedback…

If you would like some one-on-one consulting, feel free to reach out anytime! Hourly consulting costs $100 per hour and if you need a little more help, I’d be happy to send you a fixed bid based on your specific project.

Coming Up Next Week…

Once you have your content, it’s time to design your site. Click through to the next session to use your site map, content, and strategy to help you pick a strategic and beautiful design.

how to build a website how to build a website without tech experience

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